Address: 23331 Moulton Pkwy

Laguna Hills CA 92653

Description: Three words describe the history of Crossline Church: Prayer, Faith and Relationships. In the fall of 2004 I began to seriously pray about the future God had for me and my family. I was at a crossroads in ministry and needed clear direction from God. I went to Forest Home, a Christian conference center in the San Bernardino Mountains and earnestly sought the Lord. Praying on the spot where God spoke to Billy Graham, I asked God to speak to me about where and how He wanted me to serve Him. That time of prayer launched a 10 day period of prayer and fasting to seek the confirmation and leading of God. True to His Word, God spoke to me and others about the vision to start a church that would reach both seekers and committed disciples with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. For a period of four months, a weekly prayer meeting gathered to pray and dream about God's direction. Following the pattern of the early disciples in Acts 1-2, the founding core group of Crossline spent a focused 10 day season of prayer before it launched the first public worship services in February of 2005.

Our new congregation grew over the next 4 years to a little over 1,000 in attendance. With growth came good challenges and once again we spent a focused period of prayer concerning a move from the high school campus to a permanent home for our church. That season of prayer was answered miraculously by God and Crossline now meets at its 25 acre home in Laguna Hills, CA. Our congregation has grown to over 2,000 and prayer continues to be a core value for the daily life of Crossline, its vision and its future.

Crossline began as a commitment of faith. Not sponsored by any denomination, foundation or church, the Pastors and volunteers stepped into an initial ministry with a million dollar a year budget. Having no meeting place, offices or staff, within a few months God miraculously answered prayer and provided everything we needed to be a mobile church. From its inception, Crossline has had a core commitment to believe great things about God, to ask great things of God and attempt great things for God! What began as a prayer meeting with 16 people has grown to a local church of over 2,000.

Crossline Church is a body made up of ordinary people who believe in an extra-ordinary God. We believe that everyone is on a spiritual journey and whether you are a first time visitor or have been with us from day one, you are a vital part of our church right now and of the community He is shaping us to be for the future. At Crossline it our desire to connect people to Jesus Christ and to one another. Our motto is, "Love God, love people and have a blast!" We would love for you to join us. Together we can do great things for God!

JP Jones
Founding Senior Pastor

Email Address:

Hours: Monday : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday : Closed
Saturday : Closed
Sunday : 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Categories : Churches

For Special Offers: LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE & HAVE A BLAST!   (949) 916-0250