Address: 240 East 59th Street 2nd Floor

New York NY 10022

Description: Rachel Coleman, M.S., CCC-SLP is a Senior Speech-Language Pathologist/Voice Specialist pathologist specializing in voice disorders at the Sean Parker Institute for Voice Disorders at Weill Cornell Medical College.Her specialties include care of the professional voice, treatment of neurological voice and speech disorders, and respiratory retraining for upper airway disorders. She also has certification in Lee Silverman Voice Therapy (LSVT) for the treatment of voice disorders related to Parkinson’s Disease. Rachel earned her master's degree from the MGH Institute of Health Professions, where she received training at the Massachusetts General Hospital Voice Center. She holds a New York State license in speech-language pathology and a Certificate of Clinical Competency from the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA). Prior to joining the WCMC team, Rachel worked in a wide variety of clinical settings, including outpatient rehabilitation, inpatient care, and private practice. In addition to her training as a speech pathologist, Rachel also has a background in classical theater, allowing her to combine her clinical expertise with her love of the performing arts.


Categories : Speech Pathology

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