Vollrath FC-4C-01120-R 26" Drop-In Refrigerator w/ 1 Pan Capacity - Cold Wall Cooled, 120v, Stainless Steel($3420.27Value)


Vollrath FC-4C-01120-R 26" Drop-In Refrigerator w/ 1 Pan Capacity - Cold Wall Cooled, 120v, Stainless Steel($3420.27Value)


The Cold Well by Vollrath: Refrigerated Cold Pan, drop-In, 1-pan, 8 deep well, accommodates standard 12 x 20 pans with adaptor bars, drip-free flange, polyurethane foam insulated, 300 series stainless steel, 20 gauge galvanized exterior housing,...

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RevType 2
Manufacturer Vollrath
Sku FC4C01120R
Identity 23079784386