Tele Vue Nagler Type-6 9mm Eyepiece (1.25") EN6-09.0
Tele Vue Ethos 6mm Ultra Wide-Angle Eyepiece 1.25 ETH-06.0
Celestron Night Vision Red LED Flashlight 93588
Celestron NexStar 4SE 102mm f/13 Maksutov-Cassegrain GoTo Telescope 11049
Celestron SkyPortal WiFi Module 93973
Celestron 2.5x Luminos 2" Barlow Lens 93436
Celestron AstroMaster Accessory Kit (1.25") 94307
Vortex Diamondback HD 16-48x65 Spotting Scope (Angled Viewing) - [Site discount] DS-65A
Delkin Devices Sensor Scope with Bag DDSS-SINGLE2
Pentax SMC XW 10mm Eyepiece (1.25") 70514
Celestron EdgeHD 9.25" f/10 Aplanatic Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope (OTA Only) 91040-XLT
AGM PVS-14 NL2 Night Vision Monocular (Gen 2+, Level 2) 11P14122483021
Celestron Advanced VX GoTo German Equatorial Mount 91519
Sky-Watcher 102mm f/13 Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope (OTA Only) S11510
Tele Vue Ethos 21mm Eyepiece (2.0") ETH-21.0
Tele Vue 4x Powermate (2") PMT-4201
AGM RattlerV2 25-384 Rechargeable Thermal Imaging Riflescope (50 Hz) 314204550204R231
Celestron Regal M2 100ED Spotting Scope with 22-67x Eyepiece (Angled Viewing) 52306
Swarovski BSP Bino Suspender Pro Binocular Harness 44143
Celestron Omni 4mm Eyepiece (1.25") 93316